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Information Literacy: Cite

Why do I have to give credit to the sources I use?


Understand the different parts of a citation.
MLA Journal/Periodical Article Citation


MLA Website Citation


MLA Book Citation


Create an annotated bibliography.
Refer to Ms. Gunn-Graffy's Steps to a Successful Research Paper. Summarize each of your research sources in your annotated bibliography. Doing this will require you to review and synthesize all the material that could possibly go into your essay — which is why it’s important to do this before you start writing! For each of your sources you will need to do the following:
  • Create a bibliographic citation.
  • Write a paragraph beneath each citation that summarizes the main points or arguments contained in the research source, explains how the sources illuminate a particular aspect of your topic, and evaluates the source (e.g., author's background and authority, intended audience, sponsor, etc.).
Examples of Annotated Bibliographies:


Understand when and how to use in-text citations.

Examples of in-text citations (MLA, 8th ed.): 
You must always cite the sources you use to avoid plagiarism and academic dishonesty. According to the 2017-2018 Student Handbook, “plagiarism is to use another’s work and attribute it to yourself; to use another’s product or work and attribute it to yourself, or to present another’s unique ideas as your own” (16).  Furthermore, “lack of attention to teacher’s policies for collaboration with class work can lead to academic dishonesty. Rushed and sloppy work may result in failure to follow standard citation protocols. Either of these cases can result in unintentional fraud or dishonesty in your academic work. Carelessness about, or ignorance of, policies and protocols is not an excuse” (Student Handbook 16).


Format your Works Cited page (MLA) or Reference List (APA).

Use the following resources to create your Works Cited page or Reference List:

Is it copyrighted?

Reference Books

The SJND Miller Library's mission is to provide you with diverse resources to meet your information needs and curiosities; empower you to take initiative in furthering the depth and breadth of your education; teach you how to locate, access, evaluate, use, and properly cite information sources; and help you become a compassionate, discerning, and self-directed lifelong learner.